Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Special Post: The April 6 Lecture
Thou Shalt be Lectured - Time & Time & Time Again . . . .
The posting for the April 6 council meeting refers to the Mayor's outburst near the end. His lecture was directed at Councillors Atkinson and Williams, over their refusal to allow third reading of the 2009 property tax bylaw at that meeting. This is the verbatim transcript of that five-minute segment of the meeting. My editorial comments are limited to explaining a few important points.
[We might reasonably expect former councillor Doris Lund to speak at the April 27 council meeting - determined, as in the past, to add her critical voice to the usual chorus rounded up in support of the mayor - as a follow-up to the mayor's remarks.]
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Scarrow: It needs to be said, and I will say it. You voted against this, uh, Councillor Williams. Like, I have no malice towards either of you, unh, but, you were late arriving, and you didn’t return, uh, you you left about eleven-thirty [the meeting began at 8:30; council adjourned for thirty minutes at 11:30, for lunch, so everyone “left” then (myself included);the meeting re-convened at noon, and finished at 12:45 ] but you didn’t return, uh, so, you know how much interest you had in, you know a longer process of studying the budget, it’s okay. We, we stayed, okay. And uh by the way, last year you didn’t attend any of the budget proceedings. So I, I just want to qualify that.
Councillor Atkinson, I don’t know what your purpose is here but, you know we, we are very busy, the balance of us, in, in a lot of committee meetings [the city lists 65 committees as of December 1, 2008, seven of which the Mayor himself has added since December 1, 2006; on May 19, 2004, there were only 40] that we attend, unh, on faithful uh city business. And you’re forcing us, uh, to hold a meeting that you know would be held on Wednesday at 8 AM, to protest a zero per cent budget you’re protesting because of the lateness of the materials getting to you, but you failed to say that at all during the budget process. You could have asked for some type of adjournment, to, to study further, or, you know, some kind of indication that this was going to be met with this type of resistance here today. I [emphasis Scarrow’s] take exception to you changing my schedule [the mayor had earlier declared that an 8 AM, Wednesday, April 8, meeting was going to be held if third reading of the bylaw was not completed at this April 6 meeting - without consulting the City Clerk, or anyone else] uh, you know, on on items that I think are not con-, conducive to the function of this council. And it’s happened time, and time, and time again. Uh, you know, it just is beyond me and I hope the citizens of Prince Albert as well, that, that, uh this, whatever it is that you’re attempting to do here . . . places you in an awkward spot and also members of council. We want to get ih- get on, and do the affairs of our business, uh, not to be hu- brought back in at 8 AM to accommodate those who are working, unh, to, in order to get one item of business completed. So, ah, it’s too late now to, uh, I gave you an indication that what we were going to do with it. You know, I just think it is not respectful of the balance of the members of council and the work that’s been done by our administration for you to hold this off, uh, this evening.
So with that we’ll move to - I’m in the chair [Atkinson had raised his hand, in order to be recognized to speak, but the mayor ignores him] we’ll move to item number ten, bylaw number ten. What’s to be gained, right?
Williams: We sit here. We get chastised. We have our reasons. Why I was late? You want your explanation?
Scarrow: Don’t you ---
Williams: You didn’t ask me. I had to take my son to school. That’s what was first. How do you motivate a fifteen-year-old? It’s pretty difficult. I have to be somewhere, so be it. And then I had to be somewhere else. So, don’t, you don’t even take the time to talk to me ---
Scarrow: But, but you assume ---
Dionne: Order.
Williams: That’s the end of it.
Scarrow: Do you don’t not think that each of us have given up something for that day? Uh, that, you know, I don’t know what your other events were, but, but, it’s it’s again, why you would, would do that. Not everybody, uh, attends our council meetings but I think they should know, uh, that, that you had ample time - as much time as everyone else. Nobody said, “Delay, postpone,” at that particular time. It was afterwards. Councillor Atkinson, do you have anything to add?
Atkinson: Uh, it seems like, uh, everyone’s getting their two cents’ worth. I guess, you know, there’s another item here tonight, I don’t oppose having leave [granted for third reading] for that particular item.
This - the budget - is probably one of the most important issues we have in the city to do. I believe that the public are entitled to an opportunity to adequately review that. The rationale of why there are two readings [sic - three readings] for any particular bylaw is an opportunity for re-visiting or re-looking at those particular items. That is the process. If someone has a problem with the process, I suggest they go to the province and ask them to change the process under which we operate. I am just abiding by the rules to give the public an opportunity to view the document we want to pass. If ah, two extra days, or whatever the schedule is, is so important, uhm, so be it. But this is the process, and these are the rules we have to follow - whether you like them, whether anyone else likes ‘em or dislikes ‘em, it’s immaterial.
Scarrow: But, again we’re coming up to another bylaw. We’re asking leave, I think? Councillor . . . Dionne.
Dionne: I’m looking forward to the meeting on on Wednesday morning. And they talked about process [Atkinson] and respect [Scarrow did - not Atkinson or Williams]. Well I hope they [he means Atkinson and Williams] show me the same respect as I take more time off to work to come in Wednesday and they show me the respect to be here to vote again against the budget - a zero increase - Wednesday at eight o’clock in the morning.
Williams: Actually, Councillor Dionne, I will be here. I will change my schedule. I will be here.
. . . . . . . . . . . [eight seconds of silence]
Scarrow: Okay, uh, the Clerk has just indicated that, unh unh, that he will give us a time of the council meeting following number ten, bylaw number ten. Okay. First reading.
Dionne: I’ll move that Bylaw number 10 be introduced and read a first time.
[Bylaw number ten passed two readings, then leave was granted to read it a third time. It passed third reading. There was no discussion at any of the four stages of the bylaw. City Clerk Skauge gave noon on Wednesday as the meeting time for third reading of bylaw #9. Councillor Williams, who had understood that the meeting was to be at 8 AM - because Scarrow and Dionne had said this - could not attend the noon meeting because he had to be in Regina at 12:30.]
Mayor lectures councillors
Off the Rails 7
Here's another submission to the Prince Albert Daily Herald. It was written on Good Friday, in response to a letter to the editor published that day. The newspaper printed it on Thursday, April 16.
It seems some members of the community delight in the prospect of nailing certain city councillors to a cross (or something similar). As an ardent supporter of civility, fair play, and democracy, I sometimes tire of being the sole voice defending elected indivduals' right to adhere to rules of procedure and the provincial laws that govern municipal governments. But I won't stop doing it.
April 10, 2009
The Editor,
Prince Albert Daily Herald
As predictable as snow melting in the spring, and the winter’s detritus and doggy doo revealed beneath it, yet another letter to the editor follows the mayor’s most recent critical outburst toward the same two city councillors.
Unlike the mayor, and Miles Mackenzie, councillors Atkinson and Williams have reasonably good knowledge of how democracy works, the content of Saskatchewan’s Cities Act, and Robert’s Rules of Order. How redundant (and coincidental) is it that Mr. Mackenzie twice uses the identical expression (“time and time again”) that the mayor used in his April 6 scolding of the two councillors?
The mayor’s attempt to ram through council that evening yet another item with as little discussion as possible was tiresome, if not worrisome. As the chair at city council meetings, he may eventually learn that his constant calls of “Question!” are inappropriate; trying to intimidate councillors Atkinson and Williams with this exclamation ultimately produces the democratic procedure “backlash” he so despises.
As the only member of the public to attend council’s public budget consultation (March 26), budget committee meeting (March 27), regular council meeting to adopt the budget (April 6), and special council meeting to give third reading to the budget bylaw (April 8), I can testify to the mayor’s impatience when his wishes are not immediately accepted by the rest of council. Mr. Mackenzie would do well to attend council meetings, and spend some time studying democratic meeting procedure before sounding off on his behalf so quickly.
Brian R. Clavier
Prince Albert
It seems some members of the community delight in the prospect of nailing certain city councillors to a cross (or something similar). As an ardent supporter of civility, fair play, and democracy, I sometimes tire of being the sole voice defending elected indivduals' right to adhere to rules of procedure and the provincial laws that govern municipal governments. But I won't stop doing it.
April 10, 2009
The Editor,
Prince Albert Daily Herald
As predictable as snow melting in the spring, and the winter’s detritus and doggy doo revealed beneath it, yet another letter to the editor follows the mayor’s most recent critical outburst toward the same two city councillors.
Unlike the mayor, and Miles Mackenzie, councillors Atkinson and Williams have reasonably good knowledge of how democracy works, the content of Saskatchewan’s Cities Act, and Robert’s Rules of Order. How redundant (and coincidental) is it that Mr. Mackenzie twice uses the identical expression (“time and time again”) that the mayor used in his April 6 scolding of the two councillors?
The mayor’s attempt to ram through council that evening yet another item with as little discussion as possible was tiresome, if not worrisome. As the chair at city council meetings, he may eventually learn that his constant calls of “Question!” are inappropriate; trying to intimidate councillors Atkinson and Williams with this exclamation ultimately produces the democratic procedure “backlash” he so despises.
As the only member of the public to attend council’s public budget consultation (March 26), budget committee meeting (March 27), regular council meeting to adopt the budget (April 6), and special council meeting to give third reading to the budget bylaw (April 8), I can testify to the mayor’s impatience when his wishes are not immediately accepted by the rest of council. Mr. Mackenzie would do well to attend council meetings, and spend some time studying democratic meeting procedure before sounding off on his behalf so quickly.
Brian R. Clavier
Prince Albert
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
6th Regular Meeting of 2009 - April 6
Even More Garbage, and Budget Brouhaha: Shout "Whoa!"
START: 7:00 PM
ABSENTEES: Councillor Gervais (ward 1) and Councillor Swystun (ward 7)
PUBLIC GALLERY: Brian Clavier, Brian Howell, Mike Mitchell, Tamara McKay, Rick Potratz, Don Cheeseman, Lorena Baker, Don Wood, and four others.
RECOGNITION: Prince of Wales Scholarship winner Stephanie Sasakamoose [mis-pronounced as SaSASKamoose three times by Broadcast Hall of Fame member Mayor Scarrow] was present to receive her honour. The Wesmor High School student missed the initial attempt to honour her (at council's February 25, 2009 meeting).
Pecuniary Interests - No Forms Submitted
For the fourteenth consecutive meeting, the Mayor requested that members of council submit forms detailing what financial interests they have in the city that might affect their municipal counillor activities. No explanation has ever been given for this request.
[Note that this item is not included in council's procedure - specifically, Bylaw #10 of 2005, as amended by Bylaw #23 of 2008 and Bylaw #32 of 2006. In addition, re-read my comments posted February 25, 2009, under "Submission of Pecuniary Interest Forms."]
Development Permit Public Hearing - to allow a diamond cutting/polishing school and store at 1203 Central Ave. (formerly the Bank of Nova Scotia)
- Brian Clavier spoke in favour of the proposal, citing the optimism and tenacity of the proponent - in light of the current downturn in the industry, as evident from an article on page B6 of the March 24, 2009 Star-Phoenix. He also expressed the hope that the sidewalks adjacent to the property would now be cleared of snow and ice in the winter, something which has not happened since the bank moved out four years ago.
- THE VOTE (to allow the development permit): 7 - 0 in favour.
7:13 PM
Gratitude for Homelessness Initiatives: The Chair Must Speak
- Mike Mitchell, the Co-Chair of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy Community Advisory Board, said that almost $200,000 had been made available to the city under this federal government program.
- Mayor Scarrow asked Councillor Atkinson, the Chair of the Housing Committee, to speak on the committee's behalf inresponse to the letter of gratitude to the city from Mike Mitchell.
- Councillor Atkinson said there were avenues for this program that were now available, where they were not before.
Transient Traders Can't Afford to Work in PA . . . .
- Lorena Baker spoke in response to a letter to council from Brian Zinchak Publishing, whose photography business was asked to pay for a $500 "transient trader" license to photograph at the Ukrainian dance festival [his work can be seen at http://www.zinchuk.ca/hockeysamples/]. She has operated a home-based yard design business in the RM of PA since 2005. In 2007 she was asked by the City of PA to purchase a transient trader license for each yard she worked on in the city. In Saskatoon she pays for a "seasonal trader" license, at $95, plus a $75 fee. She asked Lyn Brown, the CEO of the Prince Albert & District Chamber of Commerce, to look into this issue. Lyn's reponse at the time was that the licensing barriers to doing business in PA were not likely to change.
- Councillor Dionne, in defense of the license fee, said that local businesses pay property taxes, and the fee is a tax.
- Councillor Ring said the city has to stay competitive with Regina, Saskatoon, and Moose Jaw in this area. He asked how many of these licenses are sold in a year, and how many businesses are "turned away."
- Councillor Atkinson said there is no business license requirement for vendors at the PA Exhibition, or the farmer's market, or the temporary booths at the Gateway Mall. He insisted this is not about "tax."
- Councillor Dionne clarified that the Gateway Mall pays the city an annual $5000 transient trader blanket fee on behalf of all the transient businesses that set up there.
- THE VOTE (to receive and file the letter, and have administration prepare a report on business licensing): 7 - 0 in favour.
Extend My Deadline - Again
- David Maxemiuk, who is renovating his rental property at 219 - 9th St. East, asked for an extension (to September 30, 2010) on his deadline for completing the work. [The deadline was originally May 29, 2009, as granted by city council on January 22, 2009.]
- Councillor Zurakowski, noting the difficulties in finding plumbers, electricians, and other tradespeople, moved an extension to September 1, 2009. Mr. Maxemiuk replied that this was better than May 29.
7:37 PM Mr. Maxemiuk and Lorena Baker leave. Three people remain in the public gallery.
New E-Waste and Battery Recycling Entrepreneur
["Computer waste" is currently collected by SARCAN. Old cell phones can be dropped off at Future Shop. This item refers to Paul Depeel Metal (PDM) Contracting setting up collection depots at the landfill and the city yards (the latter location for city staff use . . .) for all types of batteries and electronic waste, and paying the city $110/month plus taxes.]
- Councillor Atkinson asked if this will be competition for SARCAN.
- Public Work Director Colin Innes said no [??]. This will allow drop-off points that are convenient to the public.
- Councillor Zurakowski said he will put SARCAN recycling on the agenda for next month.
7:42 PM
Airplane Movements Growing Like Topsy due to Uranium Company Activity?
[The Airport Master Plan was presented to council. A public meeting to present the report's findings will eventually be held.]
- Councillor Atkinson noted that there was no explanation in the preport for the predictions of increased plane movements [from 2008 to 2031. Since 1996, these have fluctuated wildly - up and down. See pages 60 and 61 of the background documents at http://www.citypa.ca/Portals/0/PDF2/Council_Agenda/2009/2009%2004%2006%20-%20Order%20of%20Business/Agenda%20-%20Pages%201%20-%20209.pdf.]
- City Manager Cotterill said that although the trend is an increase, there is nothing on the horizon to indicate these [numbers].
More Free Garbage!
- Mayor Scarrow moved to add two more free weeks (May 11-16 and August 17-22) at the landfill [to the three listed in the report: June 1-6, September 21-26, and December 28-31]. He asked why no tires are accepted during free weeks. Director Innes referred to the sanitation manager's comment that more revenue is needed to pay for completion of the cutoff wall. The mayor moved an amendment to allow four passeneger vehicle tires with no fee, in each week.
- Councillor Atkinson [repeating something he has volunteered many times] said we have no idea who uses the landfill during these weeks; it should be for city residents; we could put coupons in water bills; there are 10,000 vehicles visiting the landfill during free weeks; we have no idea what weight of material they are depositing; and the $50,000 cost to the city for this program is only a guess.
- Councillor Zurakowski asked if there were any provincial initiatives for tire collection, and whether an additional recycling pickup at Christmas is possible.
- Director Innes said the city had participated in the provincial tire program [and that is no longer an option].
- Councillor Dionne said vehicles are weighed during free week. [Having used this service myself in each of the past four years, the truth is that it happens sometimes, sometimes not]. He says showing a driver's license could be used to prove city residency.
- Councillor Atkinson said Christmas wrapping paper is not recyclable.
- Mayor Scarrow said the free week dates should be published in advance, and that these free weeks help beautify the city.
- Councillor Williams reminded council that he and Councillor Atkinson have helped people with this service ion the past. Tracking which areas of the city use the free week service would be useful. He would like to see changes to the program.
- Councillor Ring agreed that keeping track of the users, remembering that North Central Waste Management Corporation members are participating, is important. Hazardous waste collection week should also be advertized.
- Mayor Scarrow states "Question!" [Chair recognizes Councillor Dionne, fortunately.]
- Councillor Dionne says there should also be education on composting pickups.
- THE VOTE (to add two weeks to the proposed three free weeks at the landfill, and approve the program): 6 - 1 in favour, Councillor Williams opposed.
Let's Spend MORE!
[In response to a report from Director of Public Works Innes, council approved sending an application to the Building Canada Fund for $8 million towards modifications at the water treatment plant and reservoirs - part of a $24 million tab that sees the province and the city each pick up $8 million.]
[In response to a report from City Manager Cotterill, council approved contributing $200,000 towards the construction of a heavy haul (grid) truck route in the RM of PA. It will connect highway 302 to highway 2, via a route west of the Saskatchewan Penitentiary and Elevator Road on the south side of the city. The intent is to reduce heavy truck traffic on 15th St. West and 2nd Ave. West.]
No member of council commented on these reports.
Slam Dunk on 2009 Operating and Capital Budgets Misses Hoop (Everyone Wants in on this Topic . . . .)
- Mayor Scarrow, noting that the list of recommendations is long [and hoping to give the budget bylaw all three required readings at this meeting], proclaims "Time is our enemy" [though there is no such enemy in Saskatoon, whose council passed that city's operating budget on April 20, 2009].
- Councillor Atkinson says there are some good things in the budget, pointing to the uses of the MEEP money from the province. He has several concerns. He asks whether growth in the police budget might become so high council can no longer support it; notes that this is the first year in the last three that money has been allocated to the fiscal stabilization ["rainy day"] fund, which stood at $2 million, and is now down to $200,000; and complains that the public had very little time to review the budget, and councillors only four days.
- Mayor Scarrow counters that the largest withdrawal from the fiscal stabilization fund was in 2006, before he was on council, and Atkinson has some responsibility for that because he was on council then. He admits the current council passed two consecutive 6% tax increases, but says there will be more money next year because the province will be sharing 100% of 1% of the [5%] Provincial Sales Tax with the province's municipalities - estimated at $20 to $30 million more than in 2009. He also says that the city had to give some indication to the province that the money the city receives would go to tax relief for residents. He says Regina and Estevan also had o% tax increases, and several other cities were less than 3%.
- Councillor Atkinson replies that most councils have dipped into the fiscal stabilization fund in the last nine years, yet they still put money into the fund, whereas this council has not. He says tax increases equal to the increase in the cost of living (about 2%) are reasonable, and projects set aside to 2010 and 2011 will cost more.
- Mayor Scarrow says MEEP is allowing the city to do projects.
8:12 PM
- Councillor Zurakowski posits that the budget moves us forward in a fiscally responsible way. He says grants to community clubs have been increased, with $50,000 for capital improvements at each one. He states that councillors are finding "too more" and "too less" [sic] in the budget from one week to the next.
- Councillor Dionne asks for a report on the good things we do [this was not in the form of a motion, so no vote was taken]. Four new projects were funded by the province, and he hopes for four more from the federal government. Since he is going to Ottawa next week, and the federal goverment has committed to 2500 more projects, he suggests "we can make a dint in crime" [a bizarre non sequitur, until you remember he became the President of the Canadian Association of Police Boards in July 2008].
- Councillor Williams agrees that the timeline to digest the budget was short - five hours [actually, four hours and fifteen minutes, less 30 minutes for lunch, were what council spent discussing the budgets onMarch 27 - see my April 2 posting, "Record-Breaking Breeze Through Budget"], including a break, to look at $45 million in expenditures. He says there needs to be more time to review it next year. He pointed to $35,000 more for the SPCA, and $50,000 or $45,000 to Cook Municipal [Golf Course] celebrations. Bridge enhancements were pushed back to a later date, and the $10,000 needed for defibrillators is relying on donations. He says it was very rushed, and he didn't feel comfortable, in spite of the good things in it.
- Councillor Matheson called it a good budget, saying "I'm shocked we wouldn't be in support of a 0% increase." He adds that (the golf course's) "100-year anniversary doesn't happen all the time." [Apparently, he has noticed that it only happens ONCE every one hundred years . . . .] He praised administration, who "put in a lot of work" and "makes us all look pretty good." He says"possibly" we could have put in more time on the budget.
- Councillor Dionne proclaims that "the budget process for Councillor Dionne and ward 2 is a three-hundred-and-sixty-five day process" [with no time off for good behaviour, obviously . . . .], not four days. He says, "I don't have to know the detail." Council members "have to keep up with the thing," and their "job is to oversee, 365 days a year."
- Councillor Ring, as Chair of the Committee of the Whole, notes "I do have the last say." He says the budget was rushed, but he has a day job, and sits on 14 committees. "We put faith in administration," and they have been working hard. He also says, "We can't micro-manage" and "timing comes down to when the provincial government budget comes down." [The City of Saskatoon was not in this boat, apparently, since their council took more time to discuss and pass that city's budget].
- Finance Director Day says that future budgets will go smoother, with respect to timing. Since there is more certainty now about provincial government funding, this will accelerate the process.
- Mayor Scarrow blurts out: "I ran the meeting. Nobody said 'whoa!' "
- THE VOTE (to approve the budgets): 5 - 2 in favour, Councillors Atkinson and Williams opposed. As it is a recorded vote, the Mayor feels he is entitled to say, when his name is called, "I'm voting for a 0% increase in taxes for the City of Prince Albert." After the result is announced, he adds [much to everyone's surprise, since it is evident he is usurping the functions of the City Clerk] that "If this is not given three readings tonight, we will be meeting on Wednesday at eight AM!"
8:27 PM
(Stretch) Limo Service Gets Fast Track
[Don Wood, a health region employee, was at council last month trying to get a city license for his limousine service.]
- Councilor Atkinson says this change to the bus bylaw is a short-term solution.
- Public Works Director Innes says administration will bring back a new bylaw.
- Councillor Zurakowski says this is a business-friendly response to the proposed limo service.
- Councillor Atkinson thanked administration for expediting the matter.
- Mayor Scarrow barks "Question!"
- THE VOTE (to delete the section of the bus bylaw preventing Mr. Wood from operating a limo service, and referring Bylaw 10 of 2009 to the bylaw section of the meeting): 7 - 0 in favour.
Events Attended by Council . . . .
- Councillor Atkinson attended the silver ring ceremony for foresters.
- Councillor Matheson, citing the "events that I was gone to" [sic], attended the Saskatchewan Finance Minister's breakfast, a recognition of Jayne Remenda's work, the Premier's dinner, breakfast with the Mayor of Kincardine, the Business Retention and Expansion results gathering, and a planning sesssion with Community Futures.
- Mayor Scarrow went to a Community Networking Coalition meeting, a cancer fair at First Nations University of Canada, the 20th radio marathon for Children's Haven, the Building Mentorship session at The Loft, and [patting himself squarely on the back and slapping both shoulders] said "I ran a very effectiveMarch 27th meeting where nobody shouted 'whoa!' . . . That's a sense of humour coming through there." His duties also took him to an Indian-Metis Friendship Centre pow wow, the Premier's dinner, the Jubilation program dinner, the Advantage Credit Union opening in the east end [this is the third financial institution to desert the downtown area and move to the east end in the past four years], a SUMA board meeting, and the Ukrainian Dance Festival.
8:42 PM
Inquiries: Unacceptable Garbage and Clean, Clean , Clean!
- Councillor Dionne asked if the communications manager could help educate the public about large furniture (chesterfields, etc.) not being picked up by the city's garbage trucks.
- Councillor Matheson praised the city buses as being "shiny clean" in spite of wet streets. He said they were "very impressive." [Also outside the realm of an 'inquiry' . . . .] He requested people to "take a second and pick up garbage."
Third Reading of Tax Bylaw Denied & Decried
- First and Second Reading of the 2009 property tax bylaw were voted on with a recorded vote. Councillor Matheson moved the motions, seconded by Councillor Ring. Both votes were 5 - 2 in favour, Councillors Atkinson and Williams opposed.
- The motion to grant leave to read the bylaw a third time was also moved and seconded by Councillors Matheson and Ring. The vote was again 5 - 2 in favour, Councillors Atkinson and Williams opposed. [However, it only takes ONE negative vote on such a motion to postpone third reading to a subsequent meeting of council.]
[Opposition to granting third reading to a bylaw in the same meeting as the 1st and 2nd readings is not only legal, the right to "block" third reading is an important feature of The Cities Act. Councillor Dionne and Mayor Scarrow, immediately after the negative vote on granting leave, intimated their opposition to this feature of municipal democracy being used in a council chamber where they sit.]
- Councillor Dionne asked if this "unnecessary delay" would cost the city anything.
- Finance Director Day said "no," other than the cost of another council meeting.
- Mayor Scarrow launched into a tirade against Councillors Atkinson and Williams. In his interjected reply, Councillor Williams shouted loudly. Mayor Scarrow did ask Councillor Atkinson if he wanted to reply. Councillor Atkinson replied, and Councillor Dionne also commented. Other members of council were silent.
[The details of these lengthy exchanges are important. I will provide a word-for-word rendition of the accusations and responses in a future post . . . .]
- City Clerk Skauge told council that the meeting to deal with Third Reading of the property tax bylaw would be at noon on Wednesday, April 8.
- Mayor Scarrow thanked Shaw Cable, the Herald and Rawlco radio reporters, and administation for being at the meeting [but not Rick Potratz and Brian Clavier, both of whom stayed to the end].
8:56 PM Meeting Adjourned.
[The April 8 meeting lasted four minutes. Councillors Gervais, Swystun, and Williams were absent. The Mayor ignored the written agenda item about submission of pecuniary interest forms. He immediately called "Question!" after introducing the report on Bylaw 9 of 2009.
Councillors Matheson and Ring moved and seconded the motion on 3rd reading of Bylaw 9 . Councillor Dionne said he had five phone calls questioning the delay in passing the bylaw, and said he was certain no one on council had received a call supporting the opposing point of view. {I wonder how he succeeded in monitoring their phone lines . . . .} The vote was 5 - 1 in favour, Councillor Atkinson opposed.]
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Off the Rails 6
They Came, They Signed, They Sang. . .
They'll be Back .
Respite from the lengthy prose.
The photos were taken at the Renewable-Power-The-Intelligent-Choice (RPIC) rally at City Hall. Three city councillors joined the crowd for a while. The group will be making a presentation at the city council meeting on April 27, 2009.
Left click to enlarge (photo sizes range from 600 KB to 1.2 MB). For non-commercial, personal use only.

They'll be Back .
Respite from the lengthy prose.
The photos were taken at the Renewable-Power-The-Intelligent-Choice (RPIC) rally at City Hall. Three city councillors joined the crowd for a while. The group will be making a presentation at the city council meeting on April 27, 2009.
Left click to enlarge (photo sizes range from 600 KB to 1.2 MB). For non-commercial, personal use only.
2009 City Hall,
Photos RPIC April 6
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Budget Committee - Finalizing 2009
Record-Breaking Breeze Through Budget
START: 8:30 AM
[Originally advertised as a 9 AM start, in a March 23, 2009 press release, Mayor Scarrow decided the previous evening that the earlier start time would apply.]
ABSENT: Councillor Swystun (ward 7). Councillor Williams arrived at 8:49 AM, Councillor Gervais at 9:30 AM.
PUBLIC GALLERY: Brian Clavier, Howard Georgeson (PA Police), Kelly Steinwand (PA Police).
Mayor Scarrow noted that the Director of Finance was wearing “ballet shoes” instead of the traditional new shoes. He subsequently referred to them as “comfortable loafers”. He thanked the previous night’s presenters from different agencies [but not Brian Clavier], singling out the SPCA and expressing the hope that council could support its good work.
City Manager Cotterill outlined the day’s work, then summarized his 22-page report at bullet 1 of the six documents undeer General Fund, Operating Budget, at http://www.citypa.ca/CityHall/BudgetInformation/tabid/359/Default.aspx as follows:
- Provincial legislation requires that the city cannot run a deficit
- Community services equipment reserve is being combined with public works reserve
- Carry-forward project list from 2007 and 2008 was added to the 2009 list
- Leaving the mill rate at its current level, because this is a reassessment year, would bring in more tax money, but we are suggesting a mill rate decrease
- School mill rate change will result in an 8% reduction on the school portion of taxes
- Decrease to firefighter budget (one less person to be hired), will allow funding increase for SPCA.
Finance Director Day said the delay in getting documents out to council and public was due to the impact of the March 18 provincial budget. Dollar amounts in the budget are more important than the budget categorizations, and councillors will find some errors in the categorizations.
Mayor Scarrow said those wearing ties will gets 2 votes [meaning himself, and Councillors Matheson, Ring, and Zurakowski], and other councillors only one vote, then added “just kidding.”
City Manager Cotterill said there are no service reductions in the budget.
8:49 AM
Item 1 - Councillor Ring asked about remediation costs in Cornerstone area. A meeting with the province is being held next week.
Item 6 - half-signal on 6th Ave/24th Street West [already installed]: Councillor Ring asked if it is really a category 1 [a legally-required] item.
Item 11 - Scarrow asked that all equipment being purchased consider E85 and biodiesel capability [although these two fuels are NOT available in Prince Albert] - a “green initiative in regards [sic] to our vehicles.” Councillor Zurakowski said this change will take 5 to 10 years, and he would like to the city to be the first in the province to do this.
Item 12 - snowmobile at Little Red River Park: Councillor Atkinson asked about the shared cost, and if there are Pehonan-Parkway-specific items. Community Services Director Zeeben replied “yes.”
Item 17 - recapping park pathways: Zurakowski asked if this includes neighbourhood walkways. Little Red is the focus this year, as access for handicapped has been requested. We will use some of the Pehonan Parkway reserve. Atkinson asked about changing the construction method, so these paths will last longer. Zeeben said yes. Cotterill added this will not be regular road surface, but it will last longer with another layer of asphalt.
Item 18 - capital requirements for city buildings: Councillor Matheson said we have too many city buildings (50), the capital requirements for them are “incredible,” we should decrease the city’s building assets. Atkinson said some should be divested, as they are not viable. He has not seen any study of the buildings’ utility; dispose of the older ones. Councillor Dionne has difficulty supporting repairs to buildings that the city should divest. Cotterill: one building has flip-flopped re its sale [the “judo building,” south of 28 St. West, on east side of 1st Avenue]. Zurakowski would like to see a for sale sign. [Scarrow tries to cut off discussion, saying “question.” He is unaware that the prerogatives of the chair do not include calling out “question.” He should have asked “Are you ready for the question?”] Matheson: can we review some of these later? Scarrow - yes.
Item 20 - tree pruning: Atkinson said that, now that we have it, the crew’s availability is an issue. How much work can be done? Zeeben - $40,000 covers 20 days’ work for the crew, and we could quadruple this easily.
Item 23 - traffic signals on 15th Ave. East & Muzzy Drive: Dionne asked where the half-signal removed from here will go. Public Works Director Innes - no location has been set yet.
Item 44 - paving program: Dionne is concerned the program is so large it may not be completed. Innes says he spoke to the contractors recently, this year’s projects will be done. Ring said local improvements to streets should be encouraged. Atkinson said many of these locations front on rental properties, whose owners aren’t interested. Ring - costs can be passed on to renters.
Item 50 - $10,000 for street banners: Councillor Williams - how much do they actually cost? Zeeben - 5400, the rest is for installation. Atkinson - where is the last set of summer banners? Zeeben - there were “catastrophic failures,” due to their large size. Atkinson - ask the community what they would like to see, since the previous ones were arbitrarily selected. Scarrow - a number of members of the community have input.
Item 54 - Rotary Trail: Zurakowski - what’s being done this year? Zeeben - land by the penitentiary. Dionne - is this coming from a reserve? Zeeben - the city’s portion is 15,900.
“Not Recommended” Projects
9:30 AM
1- 6th Ave. East & Marquis Rd: Ring - if we don’t spend the 225,000 indicated here, how are we keeping up with this intersection? Innes - potholes fixed, surface repairs.
2- Diefenbaker bridge embankment: Williams - what is the time line for action (painting and sanding)? Innes - inspections this year will update our needs, we need 3-5 years for completion. Williams - already pushed back to 2009, now to 2011. Scarrow - more Buildings Canada Fund intakes are coming.
6- 10th street width by Ecole Valois: Atkinson - complaints to bylaw enforcement get no result. Innes - snow does narrow the width considerably, options are to remove on-street parking (residents would not agree), rip up the boulevards. Getting buses out of the way has no easy solution. Atkinson - traffic calming would reduce traffic through there, and stop people from using this as an arterial. Accidents happen here. Scarrow suggested the city meet with the French school board; he uses this street before 7 AM to get to City Hall [instead of 15th Street and 1st Avenue East].
14- Westview drainage improvements: Ring - this is an ongoing issue on MacArthur Drive, near the school, basements are filling with water even with sump pumps. Innes- it will happen annually. Gervais - “berm and stuff” were made, but erosion creates a need for a permanent fix, and 10,000 is not too much. Ring - if 10,000 is what it takes, let’s put it into the capital budget. Innes - infill has been done, but not by the city; we have to make sure the drainage is properly done. [Dionne seconds this “motion.” Atkinson - no seconder is required.] Matheson - can we put it on the list? Scarrow - it’s not a city-made problem. Ring - we have already agreed to a $150,000 site remediation problem. Gervais - 6 or 7 homes ---- [abruptly cut off by Scarrow calling “question” - again . . . .]
17- west side landslide on riverbank: Williams - how severe is it? Innes - like the rerouting west of the city on highway 302, we have two layers sliding over each other. Ring - look at funding this through Pehonan Parkway. Innes - this is all city property.
20- salt/sand storage facility: Zurakowski - 200,000 for salt storage facility - is this a Coverall building? Innes - yes.
22- grading rear lanes: Zurakowski (on behalf of Swystun, who is “in a better place” right now - Hawaii) asked about current maintenance of back lanes. Innes- large graders cannot manoeuvre here, a small grader is borrowed now from Barezeele & Burkosky. Atkinson - do we have the workforce capacity to use the equipment?
23- fare boxes for buses: Scarrow says this was suggested by the transportation advisory committee, and will be coming to council in the next two meeting cycles. Dionne - does not want to see this coming back to council by another method than the budget process. [There is a long tradition of circumventing the budget process - used by council’s “majority” - either by giving “pre-budget approval” to an item, such as the police budget, or bringing an item back to council after the budget has been finalized . . . .]
28- “repair interior of exterior curling rink wall”: Ring - agreement with golf course has to be clarified. Zurakowski - what are the city’s responsibilities, and what are their responsibilities? The arrangement with the golf course has been referred to legal for review and report [it is highly unlikely the report will ever be made public]. Zeeben - repair walls at the same time as the roof, which is leaking. Item 31 deals with where city responsibility stops. Zurakowski - we repaired the Tee Room roof. Scarrow - council repaired that in error [????]. Dionne - meet with them, look at a loan to meet their needs, add to their fees for a round. Cotterill - curling is separate from golf.
31- repair roof of golf and curling club [see above]
32- spray park: Zurakowski - understood we had committed to building one per year. Cotterill - looking for another funding source, will know about this within two weeks.
33- defibrillators at community clubs and rinks: Williams - should be in the rinks, as recreational hockey players (25 to 75) are more susceptible to cardiac arrest, ambulance response in evenings is about 6 minutes. Dionne - Optimist club bought a unit for the Gateway mall; service clubs have not been approached. Gervais - we should be able to buy these, especially for community clubs. Williams - is there legislation in place to require these, since Regina rinks have them? Zeeben - legislation is far off. Williams - we should have them for the start of the next hockey season. Scarrow - if there is no donor by the end of June, the city will purchase these.
40- life of aluminum boards at Art Hauser: Williams - how much will this cost? Facilities Manager Brian Klashinsky - 30,000 to fix them this year, and can use un-spent grant money.
10:23 AM
Police Service Capital Project Submission
- ‘not recommended’ Draganfly mini-helicopter: Ring - is this a $20,000 reduction to the budget? Police Chief Dale McFee - we’re still researching this item.
- new officers added from provincial dollars: Ring - is this ongoing funding? McFee - these are sustainable, we now have fifteen funded by the province. Dionne - 29,000 was moved out of the police department’s capital budget last week.
2009 - 2013 Capital Projects
Finance Director Day - approval-in-principle sought now.
Costs to Maintain Levels of Service - no discussion
Financial Projects - no discussion
Police Service Submissions - no discussion.
MEEP projects [added to agenda, funded by province - see posting and documents for February 23, 2009 council meeting] - all approved by province
Capital Projects Carry-Forward List - Dionne: is there any money going into fiscal stabilization? Cotterill - putting in $250,000.
10:40 AM
City Manager Cotterill repeated that there are no changes to service levels. Dionne - any costs moving around? No.
Item 17 - costs of vandalism: Williams asked about Millar’s Hill light damage. Zeeben - this money is for this type of expense, and includes irrigation.
Item 66 - Kinsmen Arena baby changing table: Zurakowski doesn’t know how it will get in there. Zeeben - it’s attached to the wall.
Item 78 - washrooms on 2nd floor of Margo Fournier Centre: Zurakowski - we need to evaluate our needs, and any expenditures on this building, remembering that the field house will open in the next year. Gervais - this building is very well utilized, and we should do it. Dionne - we need a plan for what to do with it, since he had the impression that staff were moving up to the field house, and some uses are not “favoured” by downtown businesses. Atkinson - this is a $3900 item, in a $35 million budget - not a big deal. Zurakowski - at what point do we stop making repairs? Zeeben - the health department has asked us to get the washrooms up to a minimum standard.
Item 82 - bleachers at Margo Fournier gym: Zurakowski - same speech about spending money on a building that we need to review the need for. Scarrow - seniors are getting serious slivers.
Item 95 - fire services overtime staffing: Ring - reduce to $35,000 dollars, given Cotterill’s reference at the beginning of the meeting to a reduction from two to one new staff member. Williams - new member will get the fire department up to full complement? Fire Chief Les Karpluk - we will have full plus one. Cotterill - the new employee covers staffing due to sick leave absences.
Item 99 - SPCA grant increase: Ring - calculations of increase amount are needed. Cotterill - the two options are a per capita basis, which would give a $40,000 increase ($2.00 to 2.20 per person, versus $1.32), or a flat amount increase. Zurakowski is comfortable with a lump sum. Day - 2.20/person would add $75,000. Atkinson - SPCA should be funded on a per capita basis. Gervais agrees, and 2.20 is fair. Zurakowski wanted to revisit this item at the end of the day.
Item 103 - PA Art Gallery [at the Rawlinson Centre] funding shortfall: Dionne says, are we obliged to fund this? We have no financial statements and no report. He has lots of questions. Zeeben has a financial report, which shows an $11,000 shortfall (related to salaries), funding comes from the Arts Board. They have “jumped over” their funder, which cannot support the $11,000 overage, to council. Cotterill - we can approve this, and subsequently require a report. Day - is payment being approved, pending approval of a report? Yes. Atkinson - Arts Board loss was about $100,000 in 2008. Is the Arts Board lacking capacity to fund the Art Gallery, and do we have 2008 Arts Board financials? Ring - the Art Gallery request is paid through the Arts Board, which does not hold back funds to the Gallery. Atkinson has never seen a direct request from the Art Gallery in all his time on council. Zeeben - there wasn’t time for a separate agreement with the city. Dionne - are measures in place to prevent a request like this in 2010? Scarrow says a majority of the Gallery’s funds is grants.
Item 106 - funding for 100th anniversary of golf course/Mid-Amateur tournament. Ring - not sure this is an external agency. We can underwrite some of these costs through in-kind. Dionne - 50,000 request went down to 45,836 the previous evening. Zeeben - some smaller organizations are asking for money under the same policy [http://www.citypa.ca/Portals/0/PDF2/Policies/CommunityServices/Major%20Event%20Policy.pdf] He recommends giving the full 50,000. Ring - we need to find a way to sustain this type of funding. Atkinson - funds needed to be allocated annually; the other 5000 may be insufficient for other organizations. The 100th anniversary donor wall was reduced, the history book eliminated, but there is less than a $5000 reduction in their request, so the city’s portion of the total is actually larger. Zeeben - goal with the policy is to give organizations a 2-year timeframe, to allow better costing of these events. Ring - forward policy to tourism and marketing. Scarrow - this may be a bottomless pit. Day suggests 45,800 for this event, the remaining 4200 for other events.
The Police Service $9,979,210 operating budget was approved with no comment.
11:28 AM Break for lunch.
[The meeting re-convened at 12:00 PM, and ended at 12:45 PM, but I was unable to attend that 45-minute final session.
A record for brevity in the annual review of the city’s budget was established - one made possible by the Mayor repeatedly and abruptly cutting off discussion.
The operating budget for the City of Saskatoon was approved by their council on April 20, 2009.]
START: 8:30 AM
[Originally advertised as a 9 AM start, in a March 23, 2009 press release, Mayor Scarrow decided the previous evening that the earlier start time would apply.]
ABSENT: Councillor Swystun (ward 7). Councillor Williams arrived at 8:49 AM, Councillor Gervais at 9:30 AM.
PUBLIC GALLERY: Brian Clavier, Howard Georgeson (PA Police), Kelly Steinwand (PA Police).
Mayor Scarrow noted that the Director of Finance was wearing “ballet shoes” instead of the traditional new shoes. He subsequently referred to them as “comfortable loafers”. He thanked the previous night’s presenters from different agencies [but not Brian Clavier], singling out the SPCA and expressing the hope that council could support its good work.
City Manager Cotterill outlined the day’s work, then summarized his 22-page report at bullet 1 of the six documents undeer General Fund, Operating Budget, at http://www.citypa.ca/CityHall/BudgetInformation/tabid/359/Default.aspx as follows:
- Provincial legislation requires that the city cannot run a deficit
- Community services equipment reserve is being combined with public works reserve
- Carry-forward project list from 2007 and 2008 was added to the 2009 list
- Leaving the mill rate at its current level, because this is a reassessment year, would bring in more tax money, but we are suggesting a mill rate decrease
- School mill rate change will result in an 8% reduction on the school portion of taxes
- Decrease to firefighter budget (one less person to be hired), will allow funding increase for SPCA.
Finance Director Day said the delay in getting documents out to council and public was due to the impact of the March 18 provincial budget. Dollar amounts in the budget are more important than the budget categorizations, and councillors will find some errors in the categorizations.
Mayor Scarrow said those wearing ties will gets 2 votes [meaning himself, and Councillors Matheson, Ring, and Zurakowski], and other councillors only one vote, then added “just kidding.”
City Manager Cotterill said there are no service reductions in the budget.
8:49 AM
Item 1 - Councillor Ring asked about remediation costs in Cornerstone area. A meeting with the province is being held next week.
Item 6 - half-signal on 6th Ave/24th Street West [already installed]: Councillor Ring asked if it is really a category 1 [a legally-required] item.
Item 11 - Scarrow asked that all equipment being purchased consider E85 and biodiesel capability [although these two fuels are NOT available in Prince Albert] - a “green initiative in regards [sic] to our vehicles.” Councillor Zurakowski said this change will take 5 to 10 years, and he would like to the city to be the first in the province to do this.
Item 12 - snowmobile at Little Red River Park: Councillor Atkinson asked about the shared cost, and if there are Pehonan-Parkway-specific items. Community Services Director Zeeben replied “yes.”
Item 17 - recapping park pathways: Zurakowski asked if this includes neighbourhood walkways. Little Red is the focus this year, as access for handicapped has been requested. We will use some of the Pehonan Parkway reserve. Atkinson asked about changing the construction method, so these paths will last longer. Zeeben said yes. Cotterill added this will not be regular road surface, but it will last longer with another layer of asphalt.
Item 18 - capital requirements for city buildings: Councillor Matheson said we have too many city buildings (50), the capital requirements for them are “incredible,” we should decrease the city’s building assets. Atkinson said some should be divested, as they are not viable. He has not seen any study of the buildings’ utility; dispose of the older ones. Councillor Dionne has difficulty supporting repairs to buildings that the city should divest. Cotterill: one building has flip-flopped re its sale [the “judo building,” south of 28 St. West, on east side of 1st Avenue]. Zurakowski would like to see a for sale sign. [Scarrow tries to cut off discussion, saying “question.” He is unaware that the prerogatives of the chair do not include calling out “question.” He should have asked “Are you ready for the question?”] Matheson: can we review some of these later? Scarrow - yes.
Item 20 - tree pruning: Atkinson said that, now that we have it, the crew’s availability is an issue. How much work can be done? Zeeben - $40,000 covers 20 days’ work for the crew, and we could quadruple this easily.
Item 23 - traffic signals on 15th Ave. East & Muzzy Drive: Dionne asked where the half-signal removed from here will go. Public Works Director Innes - no location has been set yet.
Item 44 - paving program: Dionne is concerned the program is so large it may not be completed. Innes says he spoke to the contractors recently, this year’s projects will be done. Ring said local improvements to streets should be encouraged. Atkinson said many of these locations front on rental properties, whose owners aren’t interested. Ring - costs can be passed on to renters.
Item 50 - $10,000 for street banners: Councillor Williams - how much do they actually cost? Zeeben - 5400, the rest is for installation. Atkinson - where is the last set of summer banners? Zeeben - there were “catastrophic failures,” due to their large size. Atkinson - ask the community what they would like to see, since the previous ones were arbitrarily selected. Scarrow - a number of members of the community have input.
Item 54 - Rotary Trail: Zurakowski - what’s being done this year? Zeeben - land by the penitentiary. Dionne - is this coming from a reserve? Zeeben - the city’s portion is 15,900.
“Not Recommended” Projects
9:30 AM
1- 6th Ave. East & Marquis Rd: Ring - if we don’t spend the 225,000 indicated here, how are we keeping up with this intersection? Innes - potholes fixed, surface repairs.
2- Diefenbaker bridge embankment: Williams - what is the time line for action (painting and sanding)? Innes - inspections this year will update our needs, we need 3-5 years for completion. Williams - already pushed back to 2009, now to 2011. Scarrow - more Buildings Canada Fund intakes are coming.
6- 10th street width by Ecole Valois: Atkinson - complaints to bylaw enforcement get no result. Innes - snow does narrow the width considerably, options are to remove on-street parking (residents would not agree), rip up the boulevards. Getting buses out of the way has no easy solution. Atkinson - traffic calming would reduce traffic through there, and stop people from using this as an arterial. Accidents happen here. Scarrow suggested the city meet with the French school board; he uses this street before 7 AM to get to City Hall [instead of 15th Street and 1st Avenue East].
14- Westview drainage improvements: Ring - this is an ongoing issue on MacArthur Drive, near the school, basements are filling with water even with sump pumps. Innes- it will happen annually. Gervais - “berm and stuff” were made, but erosion creates a need for a permanent fix, and 10,000 is not too much. Ring - if 10,000 is what it takes, let’s put it into the capital budget. Innes - infill has been done, but not by the city; we have to make sure the drainage is properly done. [Dionne seconds this “motion.” Atkinson - no seconder is required.] Matheson - can we put it on the list? Scarrow - it’s not a city-made problem. Ring - we have already agreed to a $150,000 site remediation problem. Gervais - 6 or 7 homes ---- [abruptly cut off by Scarrow calling “question” - again . . . .]
17- west side landslide on riverbank: Williams - how severe is it? Innes - like the rerouting west of the city on highway 302, we have two layers sliding over each other. Ring - look at funding this through Pehonan Parkway. Innes - this is all city property.
20- salt/sand storage facility: Zurakowski - 200,000 for salt storage facility - is this a Coverall building? Innes - yes.
22- grading rear lanes: Zurakowski (on behalf of Swystun, who is “in a better place” right now - Hawaii) asked about current maintenance of back lanes. Innes- large graders cannot manoeuvre here, a small grader is borrowed now from Barezeele & Burkosky. Atkinson - do we have the workforce capacity to use the equipment?
23- fare boxes for buses: Scarrow says this was suggested by the transportation advisory committee, and will be coming to council in the next two meeting cycles. Dionne - does not want to see this coming back to council by another method than the budget process. [There is a long tradition of circumventing the budget process - used by council’s “majority” - either by giving “pre-budget approval” to an item, such as the police budget, or bringing an item back to council after the budget has been finalized . . . .]
28- “repair interior of exterior curling rink wall”: Ring - agreement with golf course has to be clarified. Zurakowski - what are the city’s responsibilities, and what are their responsibilities? The arrangement with the golf course has been referred to legal for review and report [it is highly unlikely the report will ever be made public]. Zeeben - repair walls at the same time as the roof, which is leaking. Item 31 deals with where city responsibility stops. Zurakowski - we repaired the Tee Room roof. Scarrow - council repaired that in error [????]. Dionne - meet with them, look at a loan to meet their needs, add to their fees for a round. Cotterill - curling is separate from golf.
31- repair roof of golf and curling club [see above]
32- spray park: Zurakowski - understood we had committed to building one per year. Cotterill - looking for another funding source, will know about this within two weeks.
33- defibrillators at community clubs and rinks: Williams - should be in the rinks, as recreational hockey players (25 to 75) are more susceptible to cardiac arrest, ambulance response in evenings is about 6 minutes. Dionne - Optimist club bought a unit for the Gateway mall; service clubs have not been approached. Gervais - we should be able to buy these, especially for community clubs. Williams - is there legislation in place to require these, since Regina rinks have them? Zeeben - legislation is far off. Williams - we should have them for the start of the next hockey season. Scarrow - if there is no donor by the end of June, the city will purchase these.
40- life of aluminum boards at Art Hauser: Williams - how much will this cost? Facilities Manager Brian Klashinsky - 30,000 to fix them this year, and can use un-spent grant money.
10:23 AM
Police Service Capital Project Submission
- ‘not recommended’ Draganfly mini-helicopter: Ring - is this a $20,000 reduction to the budget? Police Chief Dale McFee - we’re still researching this item.
- new officers added from provincial dollars: Ring - is this ongoing funding? McFee - these are sustainable, we now have fifteen funded by the province. Dionne - 29,000 was moved out of the police department’s capital budget last week.
2009 - 2013 Capital Projects
Finance Director Day - approval-in-principle sought now.
Costs to Maintain Levels of Service - no discussion
Financial Projects - no discussion
Police Service Submissions - no discussion.
MEEP projects [added to agenda, funded by province - see posting and documents for February 23, 2009 council meeting] - all approved by province
Capital Projects Carry-Forward List - Dionne: is there any money going into fiscal stabilization? Cotterill - putting in $250,000.
10:40 AM
City Manager Cotterill repeated that there are no changes to service levels. Dionne - any costs moving around? No.
Item 17 - costs of vandalism: Williams asked about Millar’s Hill light damage. Zeeben - this money is for this type of expense, and includes irrigation.
Item 66 - Kinsmen Arena baby changing table: Zurakowski doesn’t know how it will get in there. Zeeben - it’s attached to the wall.
Item 78 - washrooms on 2nd floor of Margo Fournier Centre: Zurakowski - we need to evaluate our needs, and any expenditures on this building, remembering that the field house will open in the next year. Gervais - this building is very well utilized, and we should do it. Dionne - we need a plan for what to do with it, since he had the impression that staff were moving up to the field house, and some uses are not “favoured” by downtown businesses. Atkinson - this is a $3900 item, in a $35 million budget - not a big deal. Zurakowski - at what point do we stop making repairs? Zeeben - the health department has asked us to get the washrooms up to a minimum standard.
Item 82 - bleachers at Margo Fournier gym: Zurakowski - same speech about spending money on a building that we need to review the need for. Scarrow - seniors are getting serious slivers.
Item 95 - fire services overtime staffing: Ring - reduce to $35,000 dollars, given Cotterill’s reference at the beginning of the meeting to a reduction from two to one new staff member. Williams - new member will get the fire department up to full complement? Fire Chief Les Karpluk - we will have full plus one. Cotterill - the new employee covers staffing due to sick leave absences.
Item 99 - SPCA grant increase: Ring - calculations of increase amount are needed. Cotterill - the two options are a per capita basis, which would give a $40,000 increase ($2.00 to 2.20 per person, versus $1.32), or a flat amount increase. Zurakowski is comfortable with a lump sum. Day - 2.20/person would add $75,000. Atkinson - SPCA should be funded on a per capita basis. Gervais agrees, and 2.20 is fair. Zurakowski wanted to revisit this item at the end of the day.
Item 103 - PA Art Gallery [at the Rawlinson Centre] funding shortfall: Dionne says, are we obliged to fund this? We have no financial statements and no report. He has lots of questions. Zeeben has a financial report, which shows an $11,000 shortfall (related to salaries), funding comes from the Arts Board. They have “jumped over” their funder, which cannot support the $11,000 overage, to council. Cotterill - we can approve this, and subsequently require a report. Day - is payment being approved, pending approval of a report? Yes. Atkinson - Arts Board loss was about $100,000 in 2008. Is the Arts Board lacking capacity to fund the Art Gallery, and do we have 2008 Arts Board financials? Ring - the Art Gallery request is paid through the Arts Board, which does not hold back funds to the Gallery. Atkinson has never seen a direct request from the Art Gallery in all his time on council. Zeeben - there wasn’t time for a separate agreement with the city. Dionne - are measures in place to prevent a request like this in 2010? Scarrow says a majority of the Gallery’s funds is grants.
Item 106 - funding for 100th anniversary of golf course/Mid-Amateur tournament. Ring - not sure this is an external agency. We can underwrite some of these costs through in-kind. Dionne - 50,000 request went down to 45,836 the previous evening. Zeeben - some smaller organizations are asking for money under the same policy [http://www.citypa.ca/Portals/0/PDF2/Policies/CommunityServices/Major%20Event%20Policy.pdf] He recommends giving the full 50,000. Ring - we need to find a way to sustain this type of funding. Atkinson - funds needed to be allocated annually; the other 5000 may be insufficient for other organizations. The 100th anniversary donor wall was reduced, the history book eliminated, but there is less than a $5000 reduction in their request, so the city’s portion of the total is actually larger. Zeeben - goal with the policy is to give organizations a 2-year timeframe, to allow better costing of these events. Ring - forward policy to tourism and marketing. Scarrow - this may be a bottomless pit. Day suggests 45,800 for this event, the remaining 4200 for other events.
The Police Service $9,979,210 operating budget was approved with no comment.
11:28 AM Break for lunch.
[The meeting re-convened at 12:00 PM, and ended at 12:45 PM, but I was unable to attend that 45-minute final session.
A record for brevity in the annual review of the city’s budget was established - one made possible by the Mayor repeatedly and abruptly cutting off discussion.
The operating budget for the City of Saskatoon was approved by their council on April 20, 2009.]
Budget March 27
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