START - 7:01 PM
ABSENT - Councillor Dionne
PUBLIC GALLERY - Brian Clavier, Police Chief Dale McFee (after meeting started), Herald reporter Matthew Gauk (after 7:30)
VENUE ALTERATION - Two loudspeakers now sit in the middle of the floor, facing council, just on the council side of the barrier that separates the public area from council's part of the room. These are connected to all microphones, so that council members can hear themselves and speakers at the podium more clearly.
Pecuniary Interest Form Submission Request
- For the ninth consecutive meeting, submission of these forms was requested by the Mayor. [Either some members of council still haven't submitted, and a simple request is insufficient, or no one has seen fit to remove this item from the agenda].
Bylaw 38 Public Hearing - Sale of Land to Allow More Parking Spaces at 658 River St. East Condo Project
- Brian Clavier spoke against the bylaw, based on parking not being a "public good," parking spaces (valuable land) being useless for any other purpose, the need for the city to give developers incentives to reduce parking spaces, the large amount of land already taken up by asphalt (especially in the downtown core), and potential interference with the Rotary Trail (currently on-street between 5th and 8th Avenue on River Street East).
- Councillor Zurakowski asked if the location of the Rotary Trail has been determined at this point on River Street. The Director said it will go on the sidewalk there (it's 5-feet wide).
- Councillor Atkinson noted this street is a snow route, there should be reduced parking requirements for this building (a seniors' complex), and the extra parking area may be detrimental for parking associated with the new Habitat for Humanity house on the corner of 4th and River Street.
- THE VOTE (to be considered in the bylaws portion of this meeting): 6 - 2 in favour(Councillors Atkinson and Williams opposed).
Extension of Art Hauser Ice Surface Season to Accommodate Sask. Uranium Mines Hockey Tournament on April 3-4, 2009
- Councillor Ring wanted to know how much the organizers were prepared to pay for this, and what related revenue the city would get from this tournament.
- Councillor Atkinson asked whether the 2007 financial statements for the Art Hasuer Centre were on the city web site. The administration reply was: these were seen by council, but sent back to finance for finalization; they will return to council, then be posted online.
- Councillor Swystun [member of Art Hauser Centre Board] recalled that the statements showed "underspending by thousands of dollars."
- Councillor Zurakowski supported Swystun's recollection.
- THE VOTE (to refer back to administration for a report on the cost of extending the ice surface season at all three indoor rinks): 8 - 0 in favour.
Youth Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from December 3, 2008
- there weren't any minutes, since there was no quorum at that meeting.
Bylaw 47 - First Reading of Bylaw to Approve Rural Residential Development on Highway 2 West of Red Wing Terrace (RM of Buckland) and North Side of Highway 302 (RM of PA) on the East Edge of the City
- Councillor Swystun declared a conflict of interest on this item, and excused himself. [It was not clear which of the two developments were the concern for him.]
- THE VOTE (to refer to bylaws section of this meeting for further consideration): 7 - 0 in favour.
Police Service Operating Budget ($9.979 million, up 6.97%) and Capital Budget (total $518,525, up 27%)
- Background: the total Police Commission expenses budget for 2009 is $17,983, up 7.42%. The $20,000 Draganflyer mini-helicopter (see photo) is being held back as a "mid-year" purchase, as are "throw phones" for the SWAT team and holding cell renovations ($39,525 for these two items). The Pandila law office building is being purchased for police use - for $51,000 per year, over 20 years.

- Councillor Atkinson asked about the four new officers that Councillor Dionne had spoken of at an earlier meeting: was the province giving base funding only, or did this grant include auxiliary costs (computer, office space, uniform, etc.)? Chief McFee replied that auxiliary costs are included - meaning the city gets $90,000 per officer (though the Sask. Police Association, which he heads, is asking that this be increased to $100,000). Atkinson then asked about the staffing levels at the Police Service. McFee replied there are 83 sworn officers, 5 bylaw officers, and about 23 civilian support staff. Atkinson said Moose Jaw has a total of just 87 staff. McFee replied we should not be compared with Moose Jaw (due to vastly different workloads - for example, in 2007 there were 4 public intoxication arrests in Moose Jaw and 1900 in PA), but to Saskatoon and Regina. Police statistics to be released in a few weeks will show declines in crime in PA.
- Councillor Zurakowski asked if the current service directions were sustainable. McFee replied that the Board [Police Commission] looks for sustainable revenue sources, and will continue its "intelligence-based, proactive" direction.
- Councillor Ring asked if there is pay parity with other jurisdictions' police officers. McFee replied that more people now apply to PA from other police services than he has ever seen in the past.
- Mayor Scarrow moved that the reference to "Dragonfly" in the capital budget be changed to "video surveillance" [since the latter is what the Draganflyer DOES, it can still be purchased using the latter designation]. McFee said a "stealth cam" would be useful on the river bank, or on the bridge. [No reference was made to potential right-to-privacy or similar civil rights issues.]
- Councillor Atkinson asked, given the Pandila purchase, what will happen to the Central Avenue sub-station. McFee replied that will be addressed when the lease comes up for renewal later this year.
- THE VOTE (to refer police budgets to the budget committee): 8 - 0 in favour.
7:45 PM
The Mayor's Forum
- Mayor Scarrow detailed his attendance at a minimum of eight Christmas dinners/parties last month. Turnips, he learned at the Daily Bread Food Bank and City Hall, were not favoured by either Food Bank patrons or City Hall staff. An immediate poll of councillors showed a majority like turnips (6 - 2). A benefit for Blair Morgan on January 24 was highlighted.
Inquiries about Recycling, Tardy Document Production, Boy Hit by Bus, and the Airport Master Plan
- Councillor Atkinson asked when certain unserved areas on the East Hill will get recycling bins. He also asked if he could get the 2008 soccer committee minutes within a week, rather than go through the 8-month wait he endured before the 2007 minutes for this committee were forwarded to him.
- Councillor Zurakowski [a teacher] asked about the schoolboy hit by a bus the other day. The Mayor answered that the school bus he got off had left the scene before the boy was hit by a car, the boy went home, his parents took him to the hospital, he was kept overnight, and he was released the next day. Recognizing how slippery the streets are, the Mayor asked drivers to "please slow down," admitting that people had even seen him slide through an intersection last week. Councillor Zurakowski also asked that a letter be sent to NavCan about its intentions with respect to service changes at the aiport. The City Manager said that airport service reductions at 4 AM were possible.
Bylaw 38 (land for seniors condo parking - see above) Not Given Three Readings
- Councillor Atkinson and Councillor Williams were opposed to giving this bylaw third reading at this meeting, so it did not happen. [Mayor Scarrow originally overlooked the need for a motion asking leave to give the bylaw three readings at this meeting. The City Clerk informed him of this oversight.]
- THE VOTE (on first and second reading): 6 - 2, Atkinson and Williams opposed.
Notice of Motions to Name Ball Fields and Protect the Golf Course from Disappearing Ad Infinitum
- Councillor Zurakowski will move, at the January 26 meeting, that three Prime Ministers' Park ball fields be re-named after Prime Ministers Mackenzie King, Wilfrid Laurier, and John Diefenbaker.
- Mayor Scarrow will move, also at the January 26 meeting, that the municipal golf course be preserved and protected "in perpetuity."
Thanks for Doing Your Job
- Mayor Scarrow, after the adjournment motion, thanked the Herald, Rawlco Radio, and Shaw Cable personnel who attended the meeting.
END 8:06 PM
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