During the past week the City of Prince Albert council meeting agenda web page [http://www.citypa.ca/NewsFacts/CouncilAgendas/CouncilAgendas2009/tabid/619/Default.aspx] has been altered. It now combines the pdf file of the meeting's background documents with the pdf file of the meeting agenda, into a larger file. This makes it difficult to find page numbers in 2009 meeting background documents that I refer to in my posts.
You can find material I refer to in these combined pdf files for the first four meetings of 2009 by reading the agenda (usually the first 10 to 12 pages of the combined AGENDA pdf file), noting the "second part" (background documents) page number for an item, then adding that page number to the number of pages in the "first part" (actual agenda), and entering the result in the Adobe Reader's "___ / ###" page box.
Example: the Advantage Credit Union telecommunications tower development permit application, listed on page 3 of the new pdf file for the March 9, 2009 meeting agenda, is supposed to be at page 157. Add 157 to 11 (the number of pages in the "first part" (agenda) of the new pdf file, then enter 168 in the page box of your Adobe Reader - as "168/236" - to take you to page 168 of the combined pdf file. I will refer to the combined pdf file page numbers in subsequent posts.

One other helpful tip: when you try to access documents on the city's web site, you may encounter lengthy download delays if you are online outside the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday. Refrain from attacking your computer if delays become an issue . . . .
Abstentions and The (Un)importance of Water - I'm Just Kidding
START: 7:03 PM
ABSENTEES: Councillor Gervais missed the beginning of the meeting. He arrived in the chamber at 7:10 [sporting a new hairstyle - one that is a cross, I dare say, between Frank Zappa (1960s) and Shemp Howard (1940s) . . . .]
PUBLIC GALLERY: Brian Clavier, Rick Potratz, Don Wood, Jennifer Brockman, Sean Mahar, Evan Swalm, fire department official, and one other.
Pecuniary Interests Not Picayune?
For the twelfth consecutive meeting, the Mayor requested that members of council submit forms detailing what financial interests they have in the city that might affect their actions as municipal counillors. As usual, no explanation was given for this request.
[Note that this item is not included in council's procedure, specifically Bylaw #10 of 2005, as amended by Bylaw #23 of 2008 and Bylaw #32 of 2006. In addition, re-read my comments posted February 25, 2009, under "Submission of Pecuniary Interest Forms."]
Public Hearing on Temporary Use Development Permit - Summer Delite Ice Cream Stand in Cornerstone Parking Lot
- Brian Clavier questioned whether there is a tax loss to the city from this space in the parking lot being occupied by a business that operates for only six months of the year, and is closed the other six months. He also lamented the limited selection of hard ice cream at the store (in particular, the absence of pineapple coconut cream).
- Councillor Williams asked how the parking lot was taxed with this temporary business on it.
- Finance Director Joe Day replied that the parking lot is taxed with the building on it for the entire year.
- THE VOTE (to allow the permit): 9 - 0 in favour.
Public Hearing on Development Permit Application - to Allow an 80-foot Telecommunications Tower at 215-16th Street West (Advantage Credit Union)
- Brian Clavier [again] spoke against this proposal. He reminded council that he had opposed the zoning bylaw amendment that was passed at council's January 26, 2009 meeting to allow such towers, and was opposed to this particular tower for the same reasons he gave at the January meeting. Noting that the December 15, 2008 meeting documents contain a request to allow the credit union to construct a 140-foot tower at this location [see pages 165f.], he wondered why the tower had shrunk to 80 feet, with no explanation for the change, and said there is already a 50-foot tower on the southeast corner of the building. Other reasons for his opposition to the tower were the proponent's failure to provide evidence of compliance with Health Canada's Safety Code 6 guideline (as required by the comments on page 166 of the December 15, 2008 meeting documents), since the city was only provided with an engineer's structural safety report for a 140-foot tower and a Transport Canada "Aeronautical Obstructions Clearance" - NOT evidence that the tower would "comply with radio frequency immunity criteria," or that "nearby broadcasting stations" had been notified, or that "environmental considerations" had been reviewed. He repeated that the Advantage Credit Union property on 15th Street East would be a better location for such a tower, and that there was no indication that Advantage had attempted to piggyback on any existing telecommunications tower, such as that of Conexus Credit Union [or the Sask. Rivers School District towers at PACI or the Spruce Home school].
- THE VOTE (to allow the permit - without any discussion among members of council): 8 - 1 in favour, Councillor Williams opposed.
Pride Parade - Permission and Route Change
- Jennifer Brockman requested that the June 6, 2009 Pride Parade be permitted to travel up 1st Avenue East this year. [Last year the parade was sent up 1st Avenue West from River Street, then on 10th Street directly east to City Hall - probably to keep it away from parade opponents associated with the Prince Albert Family Church, located at 1st Avenue and 6th Street East: Rick Potratz, a minister at the church, spoke to city council in opposition to the 2007 Pride Week proclamation and parade. The revised route is longer, taking the participants up 1st Avenue East from River Street to 14th Street, then west to Central Avenue, and north to City Hall.] Jennifer noted that there had been no safety issues with another parade that had gone up 1st Avenue East.
- THE VOTE (to refer parade request to Public Works, proclamation to the Mayor's office, and use of Memorial Square to Community Services - with no discussion): 9 - 0 in favour.
7:21 PM [Jennifer Brockman and colleague leave.]
Rocking Tree Music Festival - Free Stage Request
- Sean Mahar spoke in support of his request to waive the charge to the festival for the use of the city's portable stage at the Par Place event slated for June 19-21. [Par Place is on highway 3 west - outside the city limits.]
- Councillor Dionne, after confirming the location of the event, asked if the weekend in question conflicted with the downtown street fair, which needs the portable stage for the day [next to the Gateway Mall (where he is employed as the General Manager) on 14th Street.]
- Councillor Ring noted that there were several projects asking for fee waivers on council's agenda. He asked whether the Community Services Advisory Committee could come back with a checklist for approving these $4000 to $5000 of "needs and asks already" (this evening).
- Councillor Atkinson added that there needs to be a budget for this type of item. He said the requesting organizations should provide financial statements, and information on the amount of money they have raised (for the event). In the past, the Financial Advisory Committee [although a committe with this name is not among the 65 that council is responsible for in 2008 and 2009] provided evaluations of these requests. Addressing the requests, he said, should be part of a marketing strategy that includes events like Multicultural Week and the Winter Festival.
- Councillor Ring said Community Services started applying a policy last year for projects with budgets larger than $100,000 [but he did not explain what that policy was].
- THE VOTE (to refer to Community Services): 9 - 0 in favour.
- Public gallery depleted by four more individuals.
History-Making Non-discrimination
- Councillor Swystun drew attention to the start of Elimination-of-Racial-Discrimination Week on March 17. He outlined the events during the week, which ends on March 21.
- Mayor Scarrow noted that this is a "significant day in the life of our community."
- Councillor Swystun said that Prince Albert will be the 27th Canadian municipality [actually, it will be the 30th - see the City's March 18, 2009 press release about the March 20 signng ceremony] to sign on to the UNESCO coalition against racism and discrimination.
- Councillor Gervais added that this was a "historical event."
World Water Day Worries - Why (Not)?
- Councillor Williams said that council should look seriously at the issues raised by the Council of Canadians about privatization of the water supply and water exports. He requested a report from public works about the two resolutions suggested by the Prince Albert chapter of the Council of Canadians, because there should be "more to it than [a motion to receive as] 'information and file.'" Councillor Matheson asked for a seconder for Councillor Williams' motion, prompting Mayor Scarrow to remark, "I'll run the meeting from here, Councillor Matheson . . . Just kidding."
- City Manager Cotterill offered his opinion that privatization of a municipal water supply was not necessarily a negative, and added that the issue of exporting water was "outside the purview of council."
- Councillors Zurakowski and Swystun agreed with the City Manager, the latter saying that there were "no issues in the information that affect us."
- Councillor Williams said he just wanted to allay people's fears about privatization of the water supply, give citizens the knowledge that we have high water quality standards, and remind them that these standards are applied - and "it is our water." He said the letter from the Council of Canadians gives food for thought.
- Councillor Atkinson [who has raised the issue of high lead levels in the water at homes in the older parts of the city on multiple occasions] suggested "maybe we should be eliminating bottled water." He went on to say that buying water that is not "of our own origin" [city-processed, I presume] should be discussed.
- Councillor Williams changed his motion - to receiving and filing the information from the Council of Canadians.
- THE VOTE (to receive and file): 9 - 0 in favour.
7:46 PM
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs - Blocking up the Scenery, etc.
- Councillor Atkinson, in response to a report on billboards and third party signs, asked for a map of permissible billboard locations. He is concerned about a non-taxable "billboard" on the side of a semi-trailer on the lot just west of the police station, affixed to a trailer that was supposed to be used for "temporary storage" [but has been located there for at least four years]. He wants administration to look into this, as it appears to be a violation of the bylaw.
- THE VOTE (to receive the report, and have administration investigate the trailer billboard): 5 in favour, 3 abstentions, Councillor Matheson opposed.
A Priceless Contract
- the report from Corporate Services recommends renewing the existing centrex service with SaskTel.
- Councillor Atkinson asked about the value of this contract, since there were no dollar amounts in the report, and no comparison of the various options was provided. He said the "homework" was not done on this one. [A thinking person would agree].
- THE VOTE (to renew the centrex contract with SaskTel): 6 - 3 in favour, Councillors Gervais, Atkinson, and Williams opposed.
Ticket Tracer Software Lets Small Fry Off the Hook
- Mayor Scarrow said that outstanding parking convictions would only be followed up by the software where the tickets had been "approved" at the courthouse, and $100 or more was outstanding.
- Councillor Gervais asked if this affects an individual's ability to get a driver's license. Finance Director Day said "no," and that towing and placing liens on vehicles could be utilized by the city.
- Councillor Atkinson asked if tickets for less than $100 were being written off, and whether it was the city's intent to tow and impound vehicles, with additional charges added to an outstanding ticket. Finance Director Day clarified: if a person had two outstanding tickets totalling $100, going back to 1998, and he pled guilty in court, there will now be action against such a person. Towing and impounding still have to be evaluated. Parking tickets would be added to drivers' PIC (Driver's License Number).
- THE VOTE (to receive the report): 8 - 1 in favour, Councillor Williams opposed.
Limousine Service Needs Taxi License Bylaw Change
- in response to a letter from Don Wood, and a query from Councillor Matheson, Economic Development Director Corneil said it wold take at least a month to get the bylaw changed to allow Mr. Wood, a full-time health care worker, to run a limousine service in the city.
- Councillor Atkinson suggested a temporary business license be granted,which would allow Mr. Wood to "advertize legally."
- Councillor Williams suggested council could "expediate [sic] the process," since holding up Mr. Wood is "not a positive thing for us."
- Councillor Zurakowski was in favour of the temporary license suggestion, since he has learned that "democracy is sometimes the slowest form of government."
- Councillor Dionne wanted to "move an exemption to the bylaw." City Clerk Cliff Skauge deferred to Economic Development Director Corneil, who said that bylaws have to be adhered to [although council has not adhered to its procedural bylaw, in several respects, since 2006]. She added that a change to the bus bylaw was needed.
- Councillor Gervais said he was "all for this," having sat through the taxicab license issue in the past, like Councillor Atkinson. However, he reminded council that regulations and standards have to be in place because the public will be transported in Mr. Wood's limousine.
- Mayor Scarrow supports Mr. Wood's initiative, but said regulations do require adherence. He added that the bylaw will be changed in three weeks.
- Don Wood commented that it will take him three weeks to get his operating certificate from the province.
- THE VOTE (to refer to administration for appropriate reports): 7 - 0 in favour, Councillors Atkinson and Williams abstained.
8:10 PM
Sanitation Budgets Not Cleaned Up Yet
- City Manager Cotterill said the sanitation utility operating and capital budgets could be tabled to the next meeting.
- Councillor Atkinson agreed that might be prudent, since 2009 to 2013 capital item transfers were insufficient. He also referred to landfill fees paid by city residents and members of the North Central Saskatchewan Waste Management Corporation, and the fact that expected revenues from these fees were absent from the budget. These are important items, he said, that need fleshing out.
- Mayor Scarrow said he has had complaints from a number of Rural Municipalities (RMs), who do contribute to the operation of the waste management corporation. He needed clarification about which RMs were members of the corporation.
- THE VOTE (to table the report on these budgets): 4 - 0 in favour, 5 abstentions.
Contract for Grass Cutting
- Councillor Williams asked if this contract with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure was a standard contract.
- City Manager Cotterill said "yes," and that he was investigating keeping these off council's agenda, as they could be handled by the City Manager.
- THE VOTE (to approve the contract): 6 - 0 in favour, 3 abstentions.
8:16 PM
Community Events Attended
- Councillor Dionne praised Telemiracle, and musician Donny Parenteau's participation in it. He met with the PA Mintos [hockey team] executive, who have paid off their debt to the city for building their dressing room at the Art Hauser arena - five months early. He forgot to mention that he [in his capacity as General Manager of the Gateway Mall] had contributed to this cause. Mayor Scarrow pointed out that fact to him.
- Councillor Gervais congratulated Brad and Lisa Lounsbury on the opening of the Westview Market [at 13th Street and 8th Avenue West, the former Dent's store and laundromat] and participants in the Winter Festival.
- Councillor Ring presented the City's photo memento from the Winter Festival, a picture of a dog team. Mayor Scarrow said it could be hung in the City Manager's office, since the "whip is the City Manager's style . . . I'm just kidding."
[While the local paper printed the names of the winners of the Winter Festival snow sculpture contest, it did not provide photos of their creations. I'm a big fan of snow and ice sculpting, so, to compensate for this oversight, I include here scans of my favourite two photographs of snow sculptures - taken at Ottawa's Winterlude competition in February 1998.]

- Mayor Scarrow attended the Katimavik open house, Winter Festival sponsorship evening, an event at The Nest (Canadian Mental Health Association facility), the funding announcement for Highway 11 twinning, the Kinsmen Mini-Miracle, a Chamber of Commerce luncheon, the Telemiracle breakfast, the Saskatchewan Penitentiary retirement party, a bishop's consecration ceremony, and an International Women's Day celebration. [Wow.]
8:25 PM
Inquiries - Portable Garages and Snow Removal
- Councillor Atkinson related how people at his church questioned him about the legality of portable garage enclosures. They told him city staff were saying these were illegal. He asked why the city does not allow them, as they are similar to tents that stay up all summer. Economic Development Director Corneil said they are allowed, but must meet the same property line setback requirements as a building. Atkinson asked why this is necessary (if there are no complaints), and "Are they a fire hazard?"Corneil said they are considered as an "accessory building."
- Councillor Ring asked about snow removal around schools [Atkinson had asked about this at the last council meeting], saying that the joint city/school boards committee needed to review this. Riverside, John Diefenbaker, Turgeon, and St. John's schools were mentioned. Atkinson noted that the agenda for the next meeting of the committee was already set, and that the query should go to public works. Scarrow interjected that this could be added to the meeting's agenda, and that "I'll be there tomorrow morning." He concluded by remarking that he loved Councillor Atkinson's "flair" at flipping the microphone button.
8:33 PM
Soccer Field Re-naming Postponed AGAIN
- Councillor Zurakowski, citing "research" that needs to be done, moved to postpone [for the third time . . . .] consideration of his motion to re-name the three soccer fields in Prime Ministers Park. Loud groans were emitted by the east side of the chamber. Councillor Gervais asked, "How patient is patient?"
Always the Last Word
- The Mayor thanked the usual crew (administration, Shaw Cable, the Herald), then added thanks to all those who made presentations to council to his list.
END 8:34 PM
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