- Deb Higgins got the first shot at impressing the delegates who had not yet voted.
Overall grade: B
- Dwain Lingenfelter's supporters showed why he was the frontrunner from the day he announced his candidacy: an extremely energetic group marched with him
from the back of the room, and he took a long time to respond to and savour the adulation of the crowd as he walked to the stage. Too bad the choice of music, some ultra-esoteric jazz piece by Jack Semple [who, despite being a Saskatchewan product, doesn't know squat about political convention background music: this may have been a paean to Lingenfelter's core of fifty-to-sixty-five-year-old campaign organizers, but it was out of place on a dull Saturday morning, where the goal should be to
invigorate the assembled crowd of party fanatics]. The flat opening soundtrack was followed by uninspired reading of a [standard] speech. As Lingenfelter left the stage there was a serious burst of communicable energy in the song blasting along to his exit, but it got cut off far too quickly. Also of note: the corrugated plastic "Link" signs were a memorable, effective design, and can easily be recycled in the Regina Douglas Park byelection.
Overall grade: C-
Overall grade: B-
- Ryan Meili had an awkward start to his segment in the limelight - historical black and white photos were shown on the stage's big screen.
This was followed by an upbeat tune, with great photos (many of which depicted his life as a physician) in a video that was easily the class of the crop. His nominators' statements alternated very effectively with video clips (although there were too many of them . . . .) and his supporters exuded much more energy than the other candidates'. When he finally walked to the front of the room, a very 'scattered' tune accompanied the entourage's movement [Ben Lee's "All in This Together" - hear it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geZehkuUvuk] Meili is a 'natural' speaker, who read a carefully crafted text very well. He went overboard at the end of it, however, when his shouting into the microphone broke up in the sound system. Also of note: I fervently hope the (badly-designed) anemic little signs (truly - 8 inches by 12 inches!) represented his campaign's attempt to create as little garbage as possible.
Overall grade: B
9444 ballots cast, of which
Lingenfelter 4360
Meili 2401
Pedersen 1380
Higgins 1303
After the first ballot results were announced, Deb Higgins and Yens Pedersen took turns at the centre stage mike. Both thanked their supporters, Deb conceded, and Yens announced he was dropping off the second ballot. Neither of them vocalized their second ballot preference. About half an hour later, Yens sported an oversized Meili T-shirt [a fashion nightmare]. Deb donned a Meili button.
9130 ballots cast [had they all picked Meili, the 314 voters who 'disappeared' between the first and second ballots were still not enough to give Meili the win], of which
Lingenfelter 5028 (55.07%)
Meili 4102 (44.93%)
In selecting Dwain Lingenfelter as the leader who will take the party forward to the 2011 election, some people would say party members found more value in an anachronism than a visionary.
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